The truth about fasting and starvation diets

2008-05-08 116

One doctor called it the "Fast Way to Health." Another called it "starvation diet." It is very easy to lose weight by fasting. Unhealthy, and in the end counterproductive, but easy. You starve yourself, you lose weight. But, you should know what happens when you do this first. When you starve yourself (which is what fasting is), you inhibit your body's ability to burn fat. You need to remember that calories are simply a unit of energy, and your body needs energy every day to survive. So, when you don't eat, about 300,000 years of evolutionary drive kick in and your body goes into starvation survival mode. It sets of a chain of processes all designed to slow down your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) because your body always wants calories in to be equal or greater than calories out. So your brain starts sending signals to your thyroid to slow things down. Then, you need to understand that body fat is your body's long term energy survival source. So, wanting to survive as long as possible, your body will do whatever it can to hold onto body fat. This is obviously not what you want, but it's what happens. Your major organs (brain, heart, etc) can't use stored fat for the energy they need, they can only use glucose, which is what carbs break down into thru digestion. Since you are starving yourself and not supplying your brain with glucose, your body has another survival trick. It creates its own glucose. Unfortunately, it does that by breaking down muscle mass into the component amino acids that make up muscle protein. It then converts these amino acids into glucose to feed your brain, since you apparently won't do it with food. So now you are losing muscle mass. Since muscle is the engine where your body burns fat for energy, you now have less of it, and burn fewer calories all day. This is another way your body slows down your metabolism to survive. Eventually, you can't keep starving yourself, so you start eating again. Unfortunately, you've cratered your metabolism so ...