Rangers operation against terrorists, facilitators planned in Punjab

2017-02-19 162

LAHORE: The Punjab government has decided to launch rangers operation against banned terrorist outfits and their facilitators across the province, ARY News reported.

The decision to this effect was taken during the Apex Committee meeting chaired by provincial chief executive Shahbaz Sharif.

A summary has been prepared to grant powers to Rangers to take part in the operation. Sources said the consultation was underway with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the notification wwould be issued after the PM’s nod.

The paramilitary force will launch targeted operations in different areas and will take the provincial administration into confidence as a prerequisite.

Punjab Apex Committee also expressed grave concern over the involvement of Afghanistan based terrorist network in Lahore blast. The committee was briefed about the identification of terrorist network and arrest of facilitator of the foul play.

Earlier, Shahbaz Sharif met Corps Commander Lahore General Sadiq Ali and paid tribute to the soldier who died in the line of duty.

During the meeting, the Chief Minister and Corps Commander strongly condemned the recent terrorist attacks.

They paid rich tributes to Jawans of Pak Army and officers of Police who have laid their lives in the war on terror.

Speaking on this occasion, the Chief Minister said that those who have sacrificed their today’s for our tomorrows in this war are national heroes.

Shahbaz Sharif said that our armed forces were fully capable to deal all types of challenges.