Abdominoplasty - Tummy Tuck in Baltimore MD _ Michele Shermak MD

2017-02-18 3

Considering an Abdominoplasty - Tummy Tuck in Baltimore? Contact Dr Michele Shermak www.drshermak.com/procedures/body/tummy-tuck/
Abdominoplasty contours the abdomen, including muscle tightening, liposuction of the waist and removal of skin excess. There is a large range of procedures that constitute an abdominoplasty to meet the needs of a diverse population, including women who are post-pregnany and men and women who have sustained significant weight loss or who have abdominal scarring and weakness from prior surgery. The incision is thin and may be hidden under bathing suits and underwear. The objective is a smoother, more fit torso and the confidence that goes along with it.

Who is a good candidate for Abdominoplasty - Tummy Tuck in Baltimore ?
Good candidates for a tummy tuck in Baltimore Maryland are men and women in good health who have excess, overhanging skin, significant stretchmarks, muscle laxity, localized fat, and uneven contour and discomfort from scar. This procedure may be combined with Liposuction, Backlift, Thighlift or Breast Surgery to rejuvenate the entire torso. During the initial consultation you will discuss with Dr. Shermak what you would like to improve so she can understand your expectations and determine how to best achieve the desired result.

Michele A. Shermak, MD
1304 Bellona Ave Lutherville, MD 21093
(410) 616-3000


