My Humps (The Black Eyed Peas) 1920s Cover by Robyn Adele ft Darcy Wright and Vanessa Dunleavy

2017-02-16 11

My Humps (The Black Eyed Peas) 1920s Cover by Robyn Adele ft Darcy Wright and Vanessa Dunleavy
jazz, cover, pop, robyn adele anderson, retro, vintage, postmodern, jukebox, pmj, redhead, pinup, music, black eyed peas,, will i am, gorillaz, clint eastwood, hump day, hump, long week, happy hour, valentines day, darcy wright, vanessa dunleavy, chris johnson, fergie, blondes, twins, flapper, 1920s, chicago, valentine, vday