Spin Master - Chubby Puppies - Single Pack Puppies - TV Toys

2017-02-16 6

Chubby Puppies are stumbling, fumbling, tumbling cuteness youll fall in love for! This adorable Chubby Shiba Inu loves to take his time getting places but has tons of fun doing it! Each rollie pollie Chubby Puppy is unique and waddles and hops in its own adorable way. Customize their legs for even funnier walks and hops! These fumbling, tumbling puppies love to run after their toys with their tongues and ears flapping as they bob up and down. The Shiba Inu comes with a special blue sneaker that he holds with his squishy tongue. Its a cuteness overload! Collect the French Bulldog, Jack Russell Terrier, Maltese and Pug for a true Chubby Puppies waddle party! Bring home the undeniable cuteness of Chubby Puppies and adopt your Shiba Inu for playtime today!