Stupid selfies: Russian model taking heat for insane photo shoot in Dubai - TomoNews

2017-02-16 86

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — A Russian daredevil model has been taking heat
online for a photoshoot where she hangs off a skyscraper without any safety equipment.

It’s safe to say Viktoria Odintsova isn’t afraid of heights. The model from St. Petersburg has been posting snaps and videos from the Dubai shoot on her Instagram account, according to Russia Today.

Her first Instagram video from the shoot already has over a million views.

A six minute video from the shoot was posted up on YouTube last month. It starts with Odintsova practicing her moves for the stunt on the ground.

It then proceeds to an exciting stair scene where she and her cameramen walk up to the roof of a Dubai skyscraper.

The model then walks out to the side of the skyscraper and holding onto a cameraman with one arm leans off the building without any safety equipment.

She then one ups herself by hanging off the side of the building while the cameraman grabs hold of her arm.

Seems like a lot to risk for some pictures and a YouTube video that only has 840,000 hits.