On Wednesday morning, President Trump levied a Twitter attack on U.S. Intelligence, accusing its ranks of "illegally" leaking information to the press.
On Wednesday morning, President Trump levied a Twitter attack on U.S. intelligence agencies, accusing them of "illegally" leaking information to the press.
The social media posts come in the wake of a New York Times report concerning Trump’s campaign team and its multiple conversations with high-ranking Russian intelligence officials.
On the matter, Trump tweeted, “Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?). Just like Russia.”
About an hour later, the president wrote, “The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by ‘intelligence’ like candy. Very un-American!”
In its Tuesday piece about the Trump campaign’s contact with Russia, the New York Times cites 3 U.S. officials who had knowledge of the exchanges between the Trump campaign and Russia.
They note that while a number of the calls were intercepted and the situation was investigated, there was no evidence that Trump’s team played a part in the Russian hacking of the DNC.
As for the largely unprecedented volume of information making its way out of the White House and various agencies, a Huffington Post piece speculates many individuals may be leaking information due to Trump’s worrisome conduct.