It’s Probably a Bad Idea to Sell Stocks Because You Fear Trump -

2017-02-14 0

It’s Probably a Bad Idea to Sell Stocks Because You Fear Trump -
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“So should I cash out of the stock market?”
This is the question I’ve heard from several liberal-leaning friends in the last few months.
Barry Ritholtz of Ritholtz Wealth Management recalls hearing left-leaning friends in the hedge fund industry confidently assert in 2003
that the Bush tax cuts would be bad for markets by blowing out the budget deficit and failing to create jobs.
Maybe the pragmatic, pro-business figures in the Trump administration will prevail in internal battles, meaning
that, whatever you think of the broader policy agenda, there could be boom times for corporate bottom lines.
But those who put their money where their mouth was —
that is, into cash instead of stocks — lost out on a 182 percent gain in the Standard & Poor’s 500 during the Obama presidency.
If you think President Trump and his policies are bad, there’s a natural tendency to think that this will soon be reflected in share prices.