There are other natural ways you can get iodine into your system, and these ways also have detoxification properties, so you’ll get added benefit.
And these things are: Basically anything that comes out of the ocean.
Natural News reported that both blue-green algae and spirulina (in addition to containing iodine) helps rid the body of heavy metals – a concern in radiation exposure – and protects the body against cancer.
All of the above, though, according to dozens of sources I’ve read, are excellent detoxifiers and good at reducing the level of heavy metals in the body.
Where to Buy Them: You can purchase dried/powdered kelp, spirulina, and blue-green algae at most natural food stores. Mine happened to be out of kelp two days ago. (I put kelp and/or spirulina in the green smoothies I drink on a regular basis.) You can also order kelp and spirulina from Mountain Rose Herbs. They’re actually a lot cheaper there than what I pay at my local natural foods store.
You might also be able to find any of the above (excepting shellfish) in liquid extract form, as well.
In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk even proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced radioactivity. Israeli scientists have since treated Chernobyl children with doses of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae and proved that it helped normalize their blood chemistry. Chlorella algae, a known immune system builder and heavy metal detoxifier, has also shown radioprotective effects. Because they bind heavy metals, algae should therefore be consumed after exposure to any type of radioactive contamination. – From Shirley’s Wellness Cafe
Other Natural Treatments for Radiation Exposure
Bentonite Clay
Not only can you bathe in this to help pull toxins from your skin. Bentonite clay, for example, is used by Russian nuclear workers (slathered on their skin) before working with nuclear material.
However, you can use it internally, safely, in moderation to help pull out toxins and absorb radiation. Bentonite clay is used in traditional medicine for treating heavy metal poisoning.
It’s been difficult to find any kind of recommendation on how much clay to take at a time, but I did find one commenter say she takes 1 tsp a day with good effect.
Miso Soup
One of the main ingredients in miso soup is kelp, but it also includes mushrooms (which have their own health benefits, as well). You can buy dried miso at stores like Whole Foods and snack on the soup for months.