But that’s not counting all the judges who voted illegally.” — JIMMY KIMMEL, referring

2017-02-12 3

But that’s not counting all the judges who voted illegally.” — JIMMY KIMMEL, referring
to the federal appellate court that rejected President Trump’s travel ban
“Of course, being from reality TV, Trump doesn’t consider someone a real judge unless they’re sitting next to Howie Mandel.” — COLBERT
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie),now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?
But instead it shall be assayed by my wife, Lady Margaret Pickering.”
And in the back of the theater some guy yells out, “Your wife is a [EXPLETIVE] bitch!”
And Sir says, “Nevertheless ...”
The Times Late-Night Comedy Committee found this “Late Show” opener to be unabashedly cool and funny.
BALDWIN: It’s based on the Sir character from “The Dresser” — Donald Wolfit, the great English actor — and he comes out on stage.
“Senator Blumenthal never went to Vietnam but he led people to believe he did, whereas Donald Trump during the
war, as you know, served four tours bravely fighting bone spurs in his foot at the Wharton School of Finance.
Big sale right now: 95 percent off of everything.” — ALEC BALDWIN on “The Tonight Show” on Thursday.
Mr. Baldwin spent less time on Mr. Trump than on his new memoir, “Nevertheless,” and the origin of the title.
The guys did brief, dueling Trump impersonations in a skit called “Box of Lies,” though Mr. Fallon sounded more like Marlon Brando.
Trump attacking Blumenthal for not serving in Vietnam is like Milli attacking Vanilli for lip-syncing.” — KIMMEL