Irish Refugee Panel fails to silence squeaky wheel

2017-02-11 11

Áine Ní Chonaill doesn't budge an inch from Traitorous refugee advocates. Pulling out all the bleeding heart talking points, oblivious to the fact that these are fighting age males from Sub-Saharan Africa, and not little babies freshly out of incubators from Syria. The Refugee Cheerleader Host, obviously from one of the Fluoridated counties, doesn't even attempt to disguise his impartiality and chirps in with his virtue signalling talking points from a Soros cheat sheet under his desk. All in all a good showing from Áine who will no doubt waken a few and maybe jar Zionist Israeli's to the fact that this whole invasion is being propagated by their Globalist leaders. As always, their plan for the New Jerusalem will end up wiping out good, honest Jews in order to wipe out the Christian nations and leave them exposed to all this anti-white propaganda in the aftermath.