Angry Phoenix Revenge 3D for Android GamePlay

2017-02-10 0

Angry Phoenix Revenge 3D for Android GamePlay\r
Angry Phoenix Revenge 3D - Множество игр предлагают нам скучный сюжет в котором вам нужно защитить жителей, спасти мир и всё такое. Однако эта игра кардинально отличается от своих предшественников. Не нужно спасать людей, жгите их! Жгите людей, дома, животных. А если не хотите жечь, то цепляйтесь когтями, хватайте ну или даже похищайте людей! В этот раз вам предстоит выступить в роли злодея, однако не обычного, а настоящего феникса! Величественная птица, которая горит желтым пламенем, и готова разорвать любого кто ей не по нраву.\r
Angry Phoenix Revenge 3D - Many games offer us a boring story in which you need to protect citizens, save the world and all that. However, this game is completely different from its predecessors. No need to save people, burn them! Burn of people, houses, animals. And if you do not want to burn, then cling claws grab well, or even kidnap people! At this time you will play the role of villain, but not normal, and this phoenix! The majestic bird that burns yellow flame, and ready to break anyone who does not like her.\r
What you know about Phoenix?? The Legendary Creature lands over human world to take revenge!!\r
It is time for you to fly the fire breathing legendary creature from the mythical times!\r
Take control of a warrior Phoenix and reclaim your medieval kingdom. Angry Phoenix Revenge 3D provide you a perfect chance to feel the terror and menace of being an Angry Gold Wings Monster. Lets continue all the myths! This Ultimate Phoenix game will give you a real life Phoenix Flying and attacking experience.\r
Fly the beast up high and spit fireballs to destroy enemies. Attack the fortress and fight with knights & archers! Fight other mythical monsters whove joined hands with your enemies and claim back whats yours.

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