WASHINGTON — President Trump, at loggerheads with congressional Republicans over the best way to overhaul the tax code, may have come toward Capitol Hill on a key sticking

2017-02-09 0

WASHINGTON — President Trump, at loggerheads with congressional Republicans over the best way to overhaul the tax code, may have come toward Capitol Hill on a key sticking
point, the way imports should be taxed, after a meeting at the White House on Thursday, said Representative Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
At the White House meeting, Mr. Brady was joined by Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, chairman of the Finance Committee, Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, the ranking Democrat,
and Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on Ways and Means.
Mr. Brady’s plan would also essentially levy a 20 percent tax on all imports, to create revenue
and spur domestic production and exports — a notion Mr. Trump has said is overly complicated.
Also Thursday, a new business group, the American Made Coalition, began to rally support around
the tax plan championed by Mr. Brady and the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin