Shouldn’t Israel Care About Anti-Semitism?

2017-02-09 5

Shouldn’t Israel Care About Anti-Semitism?
Jews suffered that the hopes o
Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, tried to deflect criticism of the statement by saying
that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "welcomes this administration" and "appreciates the friendship and respect" that Mr. Trump "has shown to Israel and the Jewish people." In other words: The Trump administration is a friend of Israel’s and therefore a friend of the Jewish people.
Shmuel Rosner
FEB. 8, 2017
TEL AVIV — Jews across the United States were rightly troubled
and angered at the end of January, when a White House statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day failed to mention the Holocaust’s principal victims: Jews.
The statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day — provoking Jewish outcry
in the United States, while provoking nothing from Israel — just proved it.
Still, Israel’s silence on the White House’s Holocaust statement tells us a few disturbing things about the Jewish state.
Shmuel Rosner is the political editor at The Jewish Journal, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute and a contributing opinion writer.