Report: Neil Gorsuch Calls Trump's Attack On Judiciary 'Demoralizing'

2017-02-08 14

According to CNN, Neil Gorsuch has called President Trump's recent comments slamming the judiciary "demoralizing."

According to CNN, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has called President Trump's recent comments slamming the judiciary "demoralizing."
The media outlet reports that Gorsuch recently met with Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal.
Blumenthal is quoted by CNN, "He [Gorsuch] said very specifically that they were demoralizing and disheartening and he characterized them very specifically that way."
Trump has been vocal in his criticism of U.S. District Judge James Robart after he issued a temporary stay to halt the president’s immigration order.
In one of the tweets, Trump wrote, "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!"
Trump also said on Twitter, "The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart..." and "Just cannot  believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!"