Study: Short Bursts Of Intense Stair Climbing Can Boost Fitness

2017-02-08 3

There’s some great news for the many who lack the time and gym access to take on a fitness regimen. According to a recently published study, all you need is a small window in your schedule and a flight of stairs.

There’s some great news for the many who lack the time and gym access to take on a fitness regimen. 
According to a recently published study conducted by researchers at McMaster University, all you need is a small window in your schedule and a flight of stairs. 
Through the testing of two 10-minute approaches that included periods of warm-up and cool down, the team found that short bursts of intense stair climbing boost an important health marker.
Both involved the participation of 31 women who were healthy but admitted they lived rather sedentary lifestyles. 
In the first experiment, the test group tackled the stairs with gusto 3 times, each run lasting about 20 seconds. 
That was followed by vigorous 60-second climbs and descents. 
It was determined that both methods, when practiced for a total of 30 minutes per week, improved cardiorespiratory fitness, an indicator of longevity.
Martin Gibala, the study’s lead author, said, "Interval training offers a convenient way to fit exercise into your life, rather than having to structure your life around exercise," and also noted, “Stair climbing is a form of exercise anyone can do in their own home, after work or during the lunch hour."