Lindsey Vonn Eurosport Interview 08.02.2017

2017-02-08 3

Interview of Lindsey Vonn on Eurosport today :)

Interviewer: Welcome Lindsey!
Lindsey: Thank you!
Interviewer: You said Gold is possible at the World Championships in St.Moritz. I didn’t work out yesterday. Do you still think that it’s possible?
Lindsey: Yeah, at the Downhill I think I have a better chance. I faught and risked all at the Super G & it didn’t work out. But i’m satisfied because I faught. But in the Super G I have no Training. In the Downhill I had a Training today and then we have 3 more Training Runs. I’ve a chance to build up my self confidence and i think i’ll be ready.
Interviewer: Can you describe what was so difficult at the Super G?
Lindsey: For me I lost my ski pole because my hand didn’t have strength & this confused me. I thought I have to ski faster & have to ski direct. I skied too direct and suddenly got DNF.
Interviewer: You arm wasn’t the only injury. It’s a long list of injuries. How do you make it to always get back up?
Lindsey: Because I love what i do. I love skiing and I always fight hard that I can come back because I still want to do it. And I love the speed. I love the competition. I don’t know what i’ll do without skiing. Now i’m still healthy so I can still ski race but when I’ll retire I don’t what I’ll do.
Interviewer: Here we see some pics of Chasing History. There we could see that it wasn’t easy. Why was the rehab of your arm more difficult for you?
Lindsey: Yeah it was really difficult because nobody said in two or three months everything will be perfect. I didn’t know if I can hold a glas of water again or make my hair and make-up.I couldn’t move my fingers and that was mentally really difficult. With a knee it’s easy you have a Operation, you make the rehab and you can do everything again. But with my arm it was different & mentally the most difficult.
Interviewer: Are you scared when you ski now?
Lindsey: I’m not afraid. When I would be afraid I shouldn’t ski. I did everything that I’m strong enough to ski. For sure my arm isn’t 100 percent but when i’m at the start I have self confidence. That’s who I’m.
Interviewer: Tina Maze is also here she works for Eurosport. Maria Höfl Riesch also retired some time ago. Many people ask why is Lindsey Vonn still skiing?
Lindsey: I love it. I love skiing it’s like air for me. It’s fun. For sure it’s hard work but I need it. I love it. I still want to do it.
Interviewer: We’ll keep our fingers crossed at the Downhill for you. In St.Moritz are the World Championships fort he 5th time. It’s a great scene here in the background. What do you think about the atmosphere here?
Lindsey: It’s a great atmosphere here, a big crowd. The stadium was full fort he Super Gs. In the city are always a lot of people. It’s great that I can be here because in 2003 i wasn’t here because my Trainers said I wasn’t fast enough. So I’m happy that I made it and that i’m here this time.
Interviewer: Thank you Lindsey Vonn.

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