Sarah Silverman Goes Off on Betsy DeVos and Donald Trump

2017-02-08 5

[SOT: Sara, Sarah, Sarah, we have to ask, I have to ask you – all this, all this talk of overthrowing Trump. Listen a lot of people want to do it, they want to overthrow the government, right? You’re looking at me like I’m crazy right now.]

Sarah Silverman was in a serious mood when we spotted her making her way through LAX… and with the news of Betsy DeVos getting confirmed as secretary of education, we knew Sarah would have an opinion.

[SOT: And for the first time in history, Mike Pence, the vice president was the deciding vote on that. 50/50 party lines. What’s you take on that?
What do you think my take is? I think education should be free for everybody. Other first world countries do that]

And when asked what steps people can take to move forward, Sarah had a unique answer.

[SOT: All we can do is use our vote. Protest. And see where we put our money. We’re not seen as citizens, we’re seen as consumers, so one thing you can do for instance, I took my money out of my bank and I brought it to a credit union because credit unions are not for profit, they’re co-operatives. They do everything a bank does, and banks, um, they might not be spending, they’re for profit and they fund things like big oil and GMO farming and stuff I don’t believe in. So I took my money out of a bank and took it to a credit union.]

But of course we weren’t going to let her get out of there without a question about President Trump.

[SOT: Do you have hope that Donald can do a good job at this point? I mean is he going to…
I think he decisions are almost entirely ego based and that’s dangerous.]

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