Encourage-Mint ... click play to freshen your day.
Change the model you live by, and watch real changes occur in your life.
When we want to make changes to our complex life puzzle. Most of the time, we do this without considering the chain reactions of the other parts of our life that don't line up with the new change. So we end up falling short and eventually give up on the change we were after.
In order to make a lasting change, we need to stop trying to fit new puzzle pieces into our current puzzle ... because they just won't fit since the pieces are from another puzzle. You need to make your current model or blueprint for life obsolete and adopt your new blueprint that has your changes implanted.
For example, the puzzle piece of waking up early to run will not fit in to the puzzle piece of going to bed at 1 AM.
#EncourageMint #Encouragement #EricThomas #LesBrown #TonyRobbins #ZigZiglar #WayneDyer #JimRohn #BobProctor #SeanCroxton #ChainReactions #RealChange #Blueprint #Positivity #LastingChange #beingright #Kendavis #JohnMaxwell #KenBlanchard #RickWarren #Puzzle