Fifteen states and the District of Columbia — including New York, California, Massachusetts and Virginia — filed a supporting brief to argue

2017-02-08 1

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia — including New York, California, Massachusetts and Virginia — filed a supporting brief to argue
that allowing the ban to stand would “cause harm to the states, including to state institutions such as public universities, to the businesses that sustain our economies, and to our residents.”
In a brief filed Saturday, the Trump administration argued that Judge Robart’s order would cause irreparable harm to national security.
Justice Department Urges Appeals Court to Reinstate Trump’s Travel Ban -
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Monday evening urged a federal appeals court to reinstate President
Trump’s targeted travel ban, saying immediate action was needed to ensure the nation’s safety.
“As this court has held, preserving the status quo against sudden disruption is often in the interest of all parties.”
On Monday, the Trump administration responded that the states were asking the courts “to take the extraordinary step of second-guessing
a formal national-security judgment made by the president himself pursuant to broad grants of statutory authority.”
In its earlier brief, the Trump administration urged the Ninth Circuit to reject arguments based on
religious discrimination, even though Mr. Trump has said he meant to favor Christian refugees.
Later on Monday night, Mr. Trump called threats “from radical Islamic terrorism is very real.”
Trial judges around the country have blocked aspects of Mr. Trump’s executive order, which suspended travel from the seven countries and limited the nation’s refugee program,
but none of those cases have reached an appeals court.

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