Avalanches kill at least 100 people in Afghanistan and Pakistan

2017-02-06 60

NURISTAN, AFGHANISTAN — Avalanches reportedly killed at least 100 people in Afghanistan and Pakistan after three days of heavy snow over the weekend. Local officials warned the death toll could continue to rise.

According to the BBC, at least 45 people were killed in one Nuristan province village alone in Afghanistan, and at least 13 people were killed in the Chitral district in Pakistan.

“Avalanches have buried two entire villages in Bargmatal district, 50 bodies were recovered from one village while rescuers are trying to reach the other village," Mohammad Omar Mohammadi a spokesman for the ministry of natural disaster told AFP.

Some 250 vehicles were reportedly stranded on Kabul-Kandahar highway with people trapped inside. The Salang pass north of Kabul was closed after accumulating as much as 2.5 m of snow, the BBC reported.

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