White House and US judiciary fight over travel ban

2017-02-06 8

A legal tussle between the White House and the US judiciary over a controversial travel ban returns to the federal appeals court today. Further submissions are to be presented, with President Donald Trump demanding the ban be reinstated.

Meanwhile his Vice President Mike Pence has been making the case for the administration:

“The American people know that the threats that we face are real and they elected President Donald Trump for many reasons. But one of them was for us to rethink our immigration policies relative to ensuring that people who represent a threat to our families and communities don’t come into this country. We’ll continue to press that. We remain very confident that the president’s actions are on solid constitutional and legal grounds.”

In a series of tweets that broadened his attack on the country’s judiciary, President Trump said American’s should blame the judge who blocked his ban if anything happened.

Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017

Although the ban is not currently in force some people departing for the United States from European airports remained concerned that they might still be detained when they arrived back home.

Umber Kamal is a US citizen with family from Pakistan:

“Even though we are not a part of one of the (affected) countries, the fact that we are Muslim makes me very worried that they are going to question us when we land. We’ve been told that it is very possible that we will be detained and I have a 16-month old son, so I am very worried for his future.”

It been over a week now since Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning travel from seven mainly Muslim nations – Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen – They face a 90-day visa suspension. There is also an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees.

Since then two states have argued the ban is unconstitutional and lifted it. The federal appeal court then refused a request by the White House for an emergency reinstatement of the measure.

The court will now hear further submissions over the constitutional status of the ban. If it agrees with the states then the White House is likely to to go to the Supreme Court later this week.

BREAKING: Appeals court denies Trump administration request to immediately reinstate ban on travelers and refugees.— The Associated Press (@AP) February 5, 2017

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