TomoNews’ guide on how to survive a dog attack

2017-02-06 464

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — A 2-year-old girl was recently hospitalized for severe facial injuries after she was attacked by a pit bull-type dog in Scotland.
We hope you never have to deal with this sort of situation. But if case you do, we have produced this animation based on an article in GQ.

If a dog shows signs of aggression, do not look it in the eye. The dog will take this as a challenge. Never smile, the dog could interpret this as you baring your teeth. Instead, slowly back away and out of the dog's field of view.

Do not run away from a dog, as this triggers the dog’s chase instinct. If several dogs are attacking you, try to get to somewhere high, because dogs can't climb. Or raise your hands above your head and roar loudly to scare them away.

Use things like sticks or a backpack to keep the dog from getting close enough to bite. If you get bitten, be sure to protect your neck, face, chest and groin area. You can also wrap your forearm with clothings to get the dog to chew on that.

Other tricks include falling on the dog with your weight, and striking it at the base of its skull.

If you must attack the dog with a knife, try to stab it under its front leg or just above its shoulder. You can also try covering the dog's head with a coat, which often subdues it. Or lift the dog's hind legs up in the air, which limits its ability to manoeuvre.

If you've been bitten, please get yourself checked out at the hospital.