Toddler's Hilarious Reaction to Seeing a Glass of Wine - funny video

2017-02-05 19

Sometimes, it seems nothing will make a baby happy.
But once in a while, a parent stumbles upon the most usual thing that can make their little one smile.

That's exactly what happened to Winter Haven, Florida, parents Yssel Jaquez and Rafael Aybar, mom and dad to Abigail Aybar, 14 months. When it seemed nothing would make baby Abigail smile, they handed her a glass of wine. And smile she did.
The video, which the parents posted to Facebook on Jan. 29, has been viewed more than 3 million times.
The parents said they first tried juice, and then dad had the idea to switch it to a glass of wine for a laugh.
"We were just having dinner and when she doesn't want more food or is sleepy, she starts to be cranky," Jaquez told ABC News. "I think people like it so much because of her laugh and her reaction when she sees the wine."
There's been some criticism of the couple, however. "[There are] many different opinions about the video and the fact that we 'give' wine to a baby. It's just a funny video and we've never provided alcohol to our kids and never will," Jaquez said.
As for baby Abigail, she's unfazed by her newfound fame. "She will be happy of being part of a funny viral video," Aybar predicted. "Her personality shows me that she is a very uninhibited girl."