Michael Moore mocked President Trump on Saturday for criticizing the judge who ruled against his immigration order.
Michael Moore mocked President Trump on Saturday for criticizing the judge who ruled against the immigration order.
The documentary filmmaker tweeted, “Thank you, So-Called President Trump! I've been struggling for 2 weeks over what to call you, and your tweet here gave us the answer.”
His post was in response to Trump’s earlier tweet which read, “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”
The target of Trump's disapproval is U.S. District Judge James Robart who issued a temporary stay against the administration’s immigration order on Friday.
Lawmakers and others have also criticized the president’s comment; Senator Chuck Schumer tweeted, “POTUS's attack on Judge Robart shows a disdain for an [independent] judiciary that doesn't bend to his wishes & lack of respect for the Constitution.”
Meanwhile former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine said on Twitter, “Many judges now restraining President Trump's immigration orders. Mr. President -- don't attack judges, fix your bad policy!”
Republicans have been less vocal, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on CNN, “I think it’s best not to single out judges for criticism."