Shani Gayatri Mantra 18 Repetitions

2017-02-04 15

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Om Kaakad-vajaaya Vidmahe
Kadga Hasthaya Dhimahee
Thanno Shani Prachodayath

Om, Let me meditate on him who has crow in his flag,
Oh, He who has a sword in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Saneeswara illuminate my mind.

Chanting this mantra reduces the impact of the unfavourable Shani periods. This planetary deity if pleased will ensure victory in arguments, deflict chronic pain, and brings success to those engaged in the steel trade.

Best Time to Chant : Shani thisai or shani bukthi (sub-periods), shani peyarchi (transitional periods), shani dasa, Ashtama shani, Asthastama shani, and especially 2 hours and 48 minutes before sunset on Saturdays

Number of Times to Chant : 9, 11, 108, or 1008 times