Police raids across Paris after ''terror'' suspect is shot by a soldier at the Louvre museum

2017-02-04 11

Several police raids have taken place across Paris after a man wielding machetes tried to enter the Louvre Museum.

The suspect, who is only believed to have entered France a few days ago, has been identified as Egyptian Abdullah Reda Refaei al-Hamamy.

The 29-year-old is said to be in a critical condition after he was shot by a soldier trying to stop him.

Police are trying to establish if he was working alone.

Prosecutor Francois Molins said al-Hamamy arrived in France from Dubai on a tourist visa late last month.

“The investigation which has just been launched is ongoing and will continue both inside and outside France in the context of international crime cooperation to ascertain the journey the perpetrator took and his motives, but also to find out if he acted alone, spontaneously, or on the contrary if he was following instructions,’‘ Molins said.

One soldier – part of a four man patrol – is said to have sustained minor injuries when the suspect was stopped.

President Francois Hollande has praised the troops’ actions saying they prevented a terror attack.

At the time of the incident, more than a thousand visitors, including many young children, were inside the Louvre, which is home to Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Mona Lisa’ and countless other treasures.

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