Millennial Focus on Community Values in Banking

2017-02-03 1

Millennial Focus on Community Values in Banking
Capital One -
Millennials are the first generation to have grown up with technology fully integrated into their lives, being immersed in social media and calling the "second screen" their best friend. They are also a generation that entered the workforce during one of the most pronounced downturns since the Great Depression. Financial illiteracy and worry are detrimental, underscored by PwC's recent 2016 Employee Financial Wellness Survey demonstrating Millennials are the group most troubled by financial stress.

In the past decade, members of this unique, aspiring generation have made great strides to combat the recession. Strides that include; innovation in technology, new ideas and startups to make common luxuries affordable for all to enjoy, as well as development of new programs that are digestible to a mobile generation. Many would challenge that millennials are actually helping make financial literacy more straightforward, transparent, and thus helping improve the overall quality of life.

Capital One invites you to join us on Thursday, October 13th to look beyond the natural confines of "finances" and explore all the ways that visionaries are reimagining the role that technology and money play in our day-to-day lives.

The event will be live streamed via ForaTV. Q&A will be hosted via the chat functionality on ForaTV beginning at 10am PST. Participants are encouraged to submit inquiries. Registration to ForaTV will be required to submit a question.