Mom feeding baby: Mother squirts back at annoying woman in the park

2017-02-03 2

DARTFORD, ENGLAND — A breastfeeding mother took things into her own hands when she was approached by a woman and was asked to go somewhere private while feeding her baby.

The mother responded by squirting the woman with some breast milk, Unilad reported.

The woman thought she would then publicly shame the mother by hopping onto the Dartford Gossip Facebook page and leaving an anonymous post where she wrote:

“To the lady Dartford park who thought it was appropriate to breastfeed her baby whist my child and very easily distracted husband sat near by. I don’t think it was necessary for you to react the way you did just because I asked you to go somewhere private, telling me to fuck off and squirting me with your boobs was incredibly uncalled for. I hope you are ashamed of yourself!”

And wouldn’t you know it, the woman’s post backfired.

The mother, named Hayley Saunders, then shot back with a reply that has been liked over 1,200 times:

“You should be ashamed of yourself! It’s hard enough to breast feed a baby let alone be judged for it in public! If I had to breastfeed my 3 month old in public I would permanently have my tits out! Your easily distracted husband clearly hasn’t seen a pair of tits in a while! Perhaps next time you’re out you should go and eat your dinner in the toilets…...I think not!”

Meanwhile, comments have poured in defending the mother while blasting the woman.

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