Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos Offers College Grants ‘Exclusively Available To White Men’

2017-02-02 7

Applications for college grants set up by Breitbart’s editor Milo Yiannopoulos are now being accepted.

Applications for college grants set up by Breitbart News' editor Milo Yiannopoulos are now being accepted, reports CNN. 
Securing the $2,500 awards requires that the applicant be a white male American citizen who has been accepted to a two or four year college program, notes Quartz. 
The endeavor is called the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant. 
In Yiannopoulos’ own words, “No this isn't a joke." According to the website for the grant, the funding is intended to ensure white, college-bound men are, “on equal footing with their female, queer and ethnic minority classmates." 
Many see it as having a different purpose entirely.
Among them is Eddie Glaude, Jr., a professor at Princeton University, who told CNBC the funding is, “a white nationalist agenda clearly and unapologetically." 
He also noted, “We should all be deeply troubled by the connection between Steve Bannon in the White House and Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart."
Prior to becoming one of President Trump’s top advisers, Bannon served as Breitbart News' executive chairman.