Pro-Trump Bible Believer knocked out by travel ban protester

2017-02-02 3

PORTLAND — Counter protesters staging a demonstration against travel ban protesters at Portland International Airport said a mouthful, but received a fistfull in response.

A protest against President Trump’s travel ban by executive order on Jan. 30 drew 600 people to show support for refugees and those blocked from entering the US from seven Muslim-majority nations. A small group of four men called the “Bible Believers” decided to come to the airport to protest the travel ban demonstration.

Grant Chisholm, a self-anointed “street preacher”, went with three of his Bible buddies to voice his concerns at the protest. The protesters, however, didn’t exactly appreciate his input, and one of them let him know with a roundhouse punch to the face.

Chisholm later said he felt like he got hit in the head three times by something metallic, and started vomiting while others kicked him in the head. Footage of the incident appears to show only the one punch, and no kicks to the head.

A video circulating online shows the moment the protesters storm the airport terminal, where the Bible Believers find themselves greatly outnumbered, before Chisholm got knocked out. Other videos show the Bible Believers causing a ruckus themselves earlier that evening, fighting travel ban protesters and getting into screaming matches with others.

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