Avatier Group Enforcer Product Introduction

2017-01-31 1

Avatier designs and develops industry leading identity management enterprise solutions for user provisioning, access certification, enterprise risk management, and self-service password reset. Groups and distribution lists are only useful when the right people are in them. Group Enforcer automatically maintains application security groups and email distribution lists through automation and rule based group management.

With Group Enforcer Active Directory group management and group access certification management are fully automated. Group Enforcer provides automatic group management audit controls using a simple, yet comprehensive web wizard interface, which allows you to create, manage, and enforce software rules to lower your cyber security risks. Group Enforcer automates group identity and access governance by extracting and matching members into the correct groups based on data received from your HR systems, Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP, web, or cloud computing services.

With Avatier’s group management software, security and compliance management of groups and their distributions lists never fall out of date. When your source systems update, Group Enforcer's group management capabilities automatically update your groups with new members and remove outdated and unauthorized entries.

Avatier's identity management software manages group memberships so you don't have to.
