Nissan Frontier, Brunswick, GA, with 5,500 Pound Towing Capacity for sale at Awesome Nissan

2017-01-30 3

Awesome Nissan of Westside located at 1726 Cassat Ave. Jacksonville, Florida 32210 (904) 389-3621

Awesome Nissan of Brunswick located at 231 Chapel Crossing Rd, Brunswick, Georgia 31525 (912) 264-3825

The Frontiers have grown a lot. They are our most popular truck that we sell. I find the Frontier, especially when you get in the Pro 4s's. They're a great vehicle.

We sell probably 5 Frontiers to 1 Titan on any given month. They're a truck that you really need to get in and take it out and take it for a spin and really get a good feel of it. You can do a lot with them. Get into areas where maybe small roads and stuff.

All of our vehicles come with breakaway motor mounts. So if you were in a major collision. The engine would pop down on the ground instead of being pushed in to the drivers compartment. They all have front crumple zones. Front and back so that it absorbs the damage rather than rattle the occupants inside.