Your relationships are much improved over the last month, because Mercury your love planet which was retrograde starts to move forward at a good speed. If Single love could be found at very different place in different scenarios. The only problem seen here is your fickleness.
Until the 7th love opportunities happen along with your handling of financial goals. You may find romance with people involved in your finances, material wealth becomes a romantic turn on. From the 7th to the 25th you gravitate towards those who are gifted with the gab. Good communication becomes a romantic turn on.
Intellectual stimulation is important for you. Your love planet in Aquarius shows that you will gravitate towards people who are brilliant in their professions. After the 25th you will crave emotional intimacy and become more spiritual.
Mercury’s fast motion shows good social confidence, and networking. There are two eclipses this month, and are guaranteed to shake up things around you. Lunar eclipses is on the 10th in America and rest of the world on the 11th and it occurs in your 9th house of education.
There will be dramatic change of educational plans for students or those involved with the education. Foreign travel is best avoided during this time travel only if you must and work around these dates. There are bound to be some spiritual belief changes in your psyche or school of thought.
Your religious or philosophical beliefs will undergo a metamorphosis. You may get a reality check in this month over various situations personally as well as professionally. Basically, the eclipses help you get a reality check over life and you need to make subtle changes in life.
The Eclipsed Planet Moon is the ruler of your 8th house and this gives messages that your partner or spouse needs to make certain important course corrections in your financial life. Most likely the thinking & strategies need correction. The eclipses are cosmic’s gentle reminders to get more serious about life.
The Solar eclipse of the 26th affects you more strongly, which implies and urges you to slow down your pace especially from 18th onward. The Sun is the ruler of your 9th house so it impacts your spiritual and educational beliefs which require a realistic approach.
Care of elders should be of paramount importance.
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God Bless
Dolly Manghat