Directed by : Maxime Motte
Produced by : Chapka Films, Vendôme Production
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 25 min
French release: 07/06/2017
Production year: 2015
Enguerrand is a young, adopted boy of African descent. His family doesn't resemble any others! His father, Eliot, is so uncomfortable with being an adoptive father that he spends his days boring his son about his African origins. When it comes to his mother, Ava, Eliot overdoes it: too loving, too overbearing... One night, Enguerrand crosses paths with a migrant, Kwabéna, with black skin like his own. For him, one thing's certain: this man is his biological father! He hence decides to have him stay in his bedroom, to his parents' great surprise. From incidents to sudden developments, this adventure may just unite the family more than ever.
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