Man Rides His Bike 310 Miles Before Learning He’s Going The Wrong Way

2017-01-26 7

A man in China cycled 310 miles before learning he’d been moving further from, not closer to, his destination.

It’s easy to get turned around and wind up traveling in the wrong direction.
A man in China did just that and cycled 310 miles before learning he’d been moving further from, not closer to, his destination, notes Mashable. 
His motivation for the journey from Rizhao to Qiqihar was getting home in time for Chinese New Year, according to the BBC. 
Low on funds, he decided to make the trek on his bike. 
Luckily, while he was illegally biking on the side of the highway, he was pulled over by police. 
He told them where he had intended to go, and noted he wasn’t able to read maps, so had relied upon the directions someone gave him. 
Rather than making the man turn around and cycle home, the officers and a number of toll workers pooled enough money to pay for his trip home.