Bhumi Gayatri Mantra 18 Repetitions ( Earth Element )

2017-01-25 84

Bhumi is the personification of Mother earth and is considered a form of Goddess Lakshmi. She is related to fertility and thus is given the status of life-giver. She is the consort of Varaha, an incarnation of Vishnu. Her other names like Dhra, Dhatri and Dhrithri stands for her ability to sustain everything. She is the one that ‘holds everything’. It is only on earth that life exists and thus Bhumi is considered the mother of all living creatures. She takes care of the growth and prosperity, abundance of natural resources and protection of the nature and its beings.

Bhumi is also the Goddess of abundance. She is the Supreme provider. One should chant the following Mantra to always keep their household filled with food and gain fertility in their lands for agricultural purpose. Also while reciting the mantra, one should offer flowers, vegetables and pomegranate to the deity.

Om Vasundharaya Vidmahe
Bhutadhatrya Dhimahi
Tanno Bhumi Prachodayat

“Om. Let us meditate on Bhumi Devi, the One who provides all , bless us with abundance."