Let's Play Pokémon FireRed - Episode 5 - Shameless Plugs!

2017-01-24 2

Hey shoes! I'm back, it took me a while to get this recorded well and out so hopefully it's good!

My YouTube Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntiHyperLink

Here's my Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/digidestined5555

Here's that Pokemon timeline thing: http://www.gamnesia.com/articles/on-the-pokemon-series-timeline#.U6wsm_ldWSp

Brian's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/randomromplaythrough For some reason it still has his old name in the link, I don't know.

Brian's Twitter: https://twitter.com/iKabigon

And what the hell, his Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/ikabigon