BALTIMORE — An old woman was escorted off a flight by police officers on Saturday after verbally abusing a Donald Trump supporter.
The triggered woman began harassing fellow passenger Scott Koteskey after sitting down beside him. Koteskey got the whole thing on video and posted it to Facebook.
In a Facebook post accompanying the video, Koteskey said that after sitting down the woman asked him if he was here to “cheer or protest”. He replied he was here to celebrate democracy, and that’s when the lady’s verbal tirade began.
Off camera, Koteskey claims the woman said she was going to throw up right in his lap. She also reportedly said he and other Trump voters put the Donald’s finger on the nuclear button.
Airline staff asked the woman and her husband to leave the flight, but she refused, so they were forced to call in some cops to get them off.
Another video apparently shows the woman flipping off while the cops take her away, Fox News reported. It’s unknown why the woman became so angry, but she can be heard saying her husband’s mother recently died in the video.