Agni Gayatri Mantra 18 Repetitions ( Fire Element )

2017-01-23 41

Lord Agni Deva – the primordial lord of fire is said to bring good health, wealth and happiness to those who invoke him with dedication. Here is the main Agni Gayatri mantra to invoke Agni Deva.

Agni is Abhimāni, from Sanskrit: abhi (towards) + man (the verbal root man ‘to think’, ‘reflect upon’) meaning dignified, proud; longing for, thinking. Agni is the ‘Mystic Fire’, who leads man on the journey to God. Agni is worshipped as the symbol of piety and purity; as expression of two kinds of energy i.e. light and heat, he is the symbol of life and activity.Agni-rahasya, “the secret of fire,” is the key to all knowledge because Agni is the power of inner and outer illumination. (Source)

Throughout the ages Lord Agni deva has been called upon to sanctify the sacrificial fire. Praying to him helps to strengthen the metabolism, bring wealth, restore vision problems and increase ones sexual stamina among other benefits.

The Agni Gayatri mantra has been seen to work wonders in your life by purifying and enlightening the self, mind and soul. Chanting of this Agni mantra daily will fill your life with great peace, all round happiness and wisdom.

Agni Gayatri Mantra To Invoke Agni Deva

There are several Gayatri mantras of Agni – the mantra given below is one of them.

” Om Maha jwalaya Vidhmahe Agni devaya Dheemahi ||

Tanno Agni Prachodayat || ”

Translation of the Agni Gayatri mantra in English – Om, Let me meditate on the great flame, Oh, God of fire, grant me with higher intellect, Oh let the radiant God of Fire illuminate my mind.

Its advised to chant the Agni Gayatri mantra for three, six or up to twelve times daily – whatever you like.