In the 55th verse of the Surah an-Nur, God promises to establish the reign of Islamic values on earth and it’s abjat is 2019

2017-01-21 4

ADNAN OKTAR: What does Almighty God say in the 55th verse of Surah an-Nur? Look, it is not the 56th verse; it is the 55th. Look, Almighty God says -I seek refuge in God from satan-, "God has promised those of you who have faith and do right actions that," those who are sincere in their faiths and do right actions. In other words, those who are genuine, heartfelt and true in their faiths. Does God break His promise? Never. Its abjat is 2019; God gives the sign of what will happen in the future right at the beginning of the verse. Look, its abjat is 2019. "...undoubtedly," says God, in other words, 'never have any doubt'. "…as He made those before them successors," who are 'them'? A group that exists in the End Times. Because, what God means by 'them' here is the group that will help establish the reign of Islam on earth. Look, "He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors..." Who are 'those'? God explains Dhul-Qarnayn and Solomon in the Quran. Look, God says that there are three reigns. "One of them is yours, one is that of Dhul-Qarnayn and the other is that of Solomon.  Two of them came to pass," says God. By 'them', God refers to Mahdi and his students as well as Jesus Messiah and his students. God says, "He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors..." In other words, God will grant them worldwide power and authority.  Not limited to a country, a region, a town; but a worldwide reign. "He will make them successors..." Who are 'them'? Hazrat Mahdi (as) and his students, since Jesus Messiah will also swear allegiance to Hazrat Mahdi (as). "He will make them successors in the land," in other words God says that He will grant Mahdi (as) and his students a global, universal power and authority in terms of both military and politics, and establish their reign on earth. "...and will firmly establish for them their religion," that is Islam, "with which He is pleased..." In other words, "I will establish a system in which people will not be able to hector around one another arbitrarily and oppress Muslims," says God. Look, it is firmly established, solid and indestructible. "…and give them, in place of their fear," that is anarchy, terrorism, coup d’états etc. "security." It will be safe all around the world. When will this happen? In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as). God says, "Women will be able to travel alone safely and without any escort as far as Damascus." But Almighty God says, "I am describing the characteristics of the students of Mahdi (as)." "They worship Me," Polytheism will have been eliminated, and they will be true students of the Quran. "…not associating anything with Me.’ " Look, God points to polytheism once again; polytheism will be completely eliminated. God continues, saying; "Any who are unbelievers after that, such people are deviators." "This is a clear commandment" says God. In other words, it cannot be denied. In the 55th verse of the Surah an-Nur, God explain in detail how the reign of Islam will be established on earth. Look, God says in the following verse, "Do not imagine that those who are unbelievers," in other words, the followers of the antichrist and sufyani, the English deep state, traitors, deniers, rebels and heretics, "...are able to escape God on earth," all across the earth. Even the deep state will be rendered ineffective. "Their shelter will be the Fire. What an evil destination!" (Surah an-Nisa', 57) says God.’s-abjat-is-2019
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