Security concerns shiver through Davos as Trump takes centre stage

2017-01-19 1

As Donald Trump prepares to take office opinions are divided as to whether or not he will have a destabilising effect on global security.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Trump is on everyone’s lips.

Talking #Brexit, #Trump & shifting geopolitics w/ Chatham House head Robin Niblett earlier today at #Davos #WEF17 euronews— Sarah Chappell (SLeandaC) January 19, 2017

Robin Niblett is a specialist in international relations and director of Chatham House: “I take Donald Trump’s comments about NATO seriously. When you call something obsolete it implies it is no longer fit for purpose, and needs a fundamental change. The fundamental change Europeans want is to be stronger against what many of them believe is a resurgent Russian threat and some instability around the Mideast. When Donald Trump says fit for purpose he means fighting terrorism wherever it exists and may even mean protecting America in a dust up with China. I’m worried that Europe and America have a different idea of what a fit for purpose NATO would be.”

As for Russia there is a sentiment that the former super power has been ignored for too long and Moscow wants to express itself on the world stage once again.

Watch live euronews WEF debate “Russia in the World” with Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of #RDIF: wef #WEF2017 #Davos— РФПИ (@rdif_press) January 19, 2017

Kirill Dmitriev is the CEO of Russian Direct Investment:“We believe there is a sense that Russia can and needs to be treated with an understanding of the Russian position. And we believe that is of interest to all and by the way president Obama just said, that it is in the US national interest to have good cooperation with Russia.”

Donald Trump has yet to name his ambassador to Moscow.

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