Ex-US President George Bush senior in intensive care

2017-01-18 47

The former US President George H.W. Bush is in intensive care in a Houston hospital with pneumonia.

His wife Barbara, the former first lady, has also been admitted to the same hospital as a precaution after experiencing fatigue and coughing – according to the ex-president’s office.

At 92, the father of George W Bush is America’s oldest living former president. He was taken to hospital on Saturday after being short of breath, a family spokesman has said.

He and his wife – who’s one year younger – celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary earlier this month.

George Bush senior was vice president during Ronald Reagan’s two terms in the White House in the 1980s. He was then elected to the presidency himself – a period which saw the first Iraq war – before losing to Bill Clinton in 1992 after one term.