American antelope, Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)

2017-01-16 311

American antelope, Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)

* Family: Antilocapridae,

* Genus: Antilocapra,

* Species: A. americana,

* Order: Artiodactyla,

* Suborder: Ruminantia,

* Class: Mammalia,

* Type: Mammal,

* Diet: Herbivore,

* Average life span in captivity: 11 years,

* Size: Head and body, 3.25 to 5 ft (1 to 1.5 m), Tail, 3 to 4 in (7.5 to 10 cm),

* Weight: 90 to 150 lbs (41 to 68 kg),

* Group name: Band or Herd,

** Did you know? The pronghorn is the second fastest land mammal in the world, after the cheetah. It can attain speeds of over 53 miles (86 kilometers) per hour.

*** Fleet-footed pronghorns are among the speediest animals in North America. They can run at more than 53 miles (86 kilometers) an hour, leaving pursuing coyotes and bobcats in the dust. Pronghorns are also great distance runners that can travel for miles at half that speed.

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