1. Lavender town syndrome
Music in Lavender Town has a very high frequency, only children and adolescents who are young can hear it, because their ears are not fully developed.
There are at least two hundred children are reported to have committed suicide by hanging himself or falls from a height. While that does not do it, felt a severe headache after listening to the music of Lavender Town.
2. The swedish rhapsody
Swedish Rhapsody is a video containing a mysterious radio broadcasts. The radio broadcast encrypted message (a kind of Morse code) that is confidential, such messages usually contain a command to commit murder or espionage and could not be tracked by outsiders easily. Because the message is complicated, only the person who sent the message that can interpret it.
Swedish Rhapsody has become one of the radio message that interests enthusiast world of espionage in uncovering meaning.
In the video above, sounding a little girl repeating numbers in the German language interspersed with the word "Achtung!", Sometimes music is often ignited by an ice cream truck also sounds spooky. Why there are things that relate to children in a secret message that spooky?
And after doing research for so long, it was revealed that the message to be conveyed by a small child it is to kill someone.
Many radio stations send hidden messages strange. Most of the stations is illegal, even once discovered a message that was really weird. The message displays child's voice, female voice, the voice of cartoon characters, the lyrics in the traditional song, and others.
3. Hamburger lady
Gloomy Sunday, the song is said to be the terseram than ever. Not only because their music is mellow, but also the stories that say if this song is the most devastating suicide accompanist. Once heard, it felt like wanting to slice his own pulse. Gloomy Sunday scary, but it may not be able to beat Hamburger Lady.
Yes, this video also contains music, but he merely instrumental without vocals. The rhythm itself is really spooky, especially in certain parts there is a kind of eerie sound that seems like it came from another world. Video itself tells the story of women who are victims of arson in the hospital, until blistered skins and meat. Hence, he later called Hamburger Lady.