Plants vs Zombies 2 - Level Plant Upgrading: Thyme Warp Level 2 (Unfinished)

2017-01-15 1

Plants vs Zombies 2 - Plant Leveling: Thyme Warp Level 2 (Unfinished)\r
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Almost plants have level data including Apple Mortar (except Imitater, Magnet-shroom, Wasabi Whip, Explode-O-Nut, Kiwibeast, Aloe).\r
After playing a level in Neon Mixtape Tour, therere rewards (named as XP) to collect for plants which are unlocked in Neon Mixtape Tour. Because its unfinished, my game crashed when I opened the reward. After restarting the game, I had 2 XPs for Thyme Warp and 3 XPs for Celery Stalker (you can see it at 9:50). And yet because its still unfinished, after clicking on the Upgrade button, game crashed at 1/5 status screen. Then again, after restarting the game, Thyme Warp will be upgraded. Level 2 Thyme Warp can be used in Ancient Egypt.