MGS V: The Phantom Pain - S-Rank "Metallic Archaea" (Mission 29) - This speed run is an S-Rank walkthrough and shows how to finish the Episode 29 fast and gives hints for equipment and tactics.
IMPORTANT: Episode 29 and 42 have a buddy issue involving Quiet. If you use her in these two missions it can cause a save game corruption and you might lose your entire progression. Discard the buddy choice in my video and go with D-Walker instead.
Thanks to CarpathianCarl and Titian 510 for pointing out the issue : )
As soon as the fight starts, they will all stand in front of you. Take a second and try to mark all 4 with your binoculars, then run towards the hangar ladder and climb up the roof. This spot is perfect for this confrontation, giving you all the time and space you need to plan your attacks. Quiet will also have a nice view of the skulls, which are moving in front of the hangar.
Call for a supply drop at the beginning to restock on ammo later. The best weapons to use are a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher. After a few minutes the skulls should all be down and you only have to carry your target to the nearby landing zone.
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