Space Bugs Demo 1.0 Released!! - By TaykrOn Games
SpaceBugs is an Google Android Game shoot'em up with perspective on you move 2 ships at the same time. The game with a OLD School gfx is a mix of Gyrus/Tempest and Xenon 2/Tyrian 2000.
DEMO 1.0 Version Features:
- 3 Final Bosses
- 3 Planets and over 20 levels
- 2 Gameplay modes : History and Survival Mode
- Move Two Ships at the same time with an intuitive control
- About 1 hour of gameplay in History mode
- Buy/Shell items and weapons and improve your ship(Only 4 weapons)
- Submit your records online!
Visit the link for more information:
You can view your submited records here:
Android SO Expert, here only the .apk file(500kb)
Version "Ready To Run" with the SDK and .bat files, in 3 clicks you are playing (75mb)