Kids R Kids Richardson Richardson Superb 5 Star Review by Rachel D.

2017-01-02 2 (972) 235-5437 Kids R Kids Richardson Richardson reviews
Excellent Review

My son has only been here for 3 months now and he has already learned so much!!! This is my first child, so dropping him off at first was hard because he would scream his head off. The teachers were calm, patient, and reassuring that it was all normal and within two weeks my son was nothing but smiles and excited to go to school. He is learning new things everyday including, but not limited to; games, songs,alphabet,to socialize, to share,manners, sign language,and arts and crafts. He is eating delicious nutritious foods, has a scheduled nap time, and he absolutely loves his teachers. He literally bangs at our front door when we take too long to leave to go to take him to school!! Not only that, they have worked with us when Finances were an issue. They were understanding and helped us create a better payment plan according to our needs. I would highly recommend this school to anyone.

Kids R Kids Richardson
3521 North Star Road
Richardson TX