Minecraft: 1.8.0 More Stone Update! tatol 7 new block!

2017-01-01 1,840

Blocks and Items
Generates within Stone terrain, in pockets similar in size and abundance to Dirt and Gravel
Crafting recipe: 2 Cobblestone and 2 Nether Quartz in a checker board pattern
Can be crafted into Polished Diorite
Generates within Stone terrain, in pockets similar in size and abundance to Dirt and Gravel
Crafting recipe: 1 Cobblestone and 1 Diorite
Can be crafted into Polished Andesite
Generates within Stone terrain, in pockets similar in size and abundance to Dirt and Gravel
Crafting recipe: 1 Nether Quartz and 1 Diorite
Can be crafted into Polished Granite
Polished Diorite
Crafting recipe: 4 Diorite in a 2x2 configuration
Polished Andesite
Crafting recipe: 4 Andesite in a 2x2 configuration
Polished Granite
Crafting recipe: 4 Granite in a 2x2 configuration
Slime Block
Players and mobs that land on their top side will bounce, like on a trampoline
Bounce rebound velocity is scaled by impact velocity, can reach up to 60%
Currently does not affect item entities
Prevents fall damage
Walking on it is slower than walking on Soulsand, close to one's speed whilst sneaking
Crafting recipe: 9 Slime Balls
Can be crafted back into 9 Slime Balls

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